Welcome to our store, explore the latest collections from our designer brands from around the globe. We can supply all products from any of our designer brands.

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Laura Ashley / Tiebacks & Trimmings

Haywood - Holdback £18 (10% off RRP)

RRP - £20 you save over 10%

  • £18.00

Product Description


Laura Ashley Haywood Holdbacks are made from Ash wood that’s stained to unveil the natural beauty of the wood grain. These stunning holdbacks will add a touch of sophistication to any room.


Projection: 140mm Width: 110mm Backplate: 40mm

Ecuador - Holdbacks £22 (10% off RRP)

Ecuador - Holdbacks £22 (10% off RRP)

Collection Description Ecuador - Behind the mist-veiled mountains of Ecuador lie the lost

Regular price £22.00