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Jones Interiors / Tiebacks & Trimmings

Florentine - Flanged Cord £8.50 (10% off RRP)

RRP - £9.50 per meter you save over 10%

  • £8.50

Product Description


A cord with a generous flange, perfect for cushions.


Cord Diameter 10mm

Syon Trimmings - Syon Velvet Piping £15.50 (10% off RRP)

Syon Trimmings - Syon Velvet Piping £15.50 (10% off RRP)

Description An opulent velvet piping cord, inspired by the grandeur of

Regular price £15.50
Gatsby Rope £9.50 (15% off RRP) 2 Colourways Available

Gatsby Rope £9.50 (15% off RRP) 2 Colourways Available

Collection Description Gatsby Rope - There is no mistaking that the Gatsby era

Regular price £9.50
Venice - Flanged Cord £7.50 (10% off RRP)

Venice - Flanged Cord £7.50 (10% off RRP)

Description Subtle narrow braided cord with wide flange. Size 20mm RRP - £8

Regular price £7.50
Belezza - Flanged Cord £9.50 (10% off RRP)

Belezza - Flanged Cord £9.50 (10% off RRP)

Description A flanged braided cord suitable for inserting when making cushions.

Regular price £9.50